Monday, June 25, 2007

Ghost Freak: Good Guy and Bad

Ghost Freak once was an alien in the Omnitrix. The Omnitrix is the watch that turns Ben into all the aliens. But, one day, Ghost Freak escaped. He found three circus freaks and they became his minions. The circus freaks were already very evil. At one time, they worked for Bonzonzo. He ran an evil circus.

Ghost Freak did not look like the one in the watch. When he was in full power, he looked even more different. But, both Ghost Freaks had the same weakness and they both could sprout tentacles. Ghost Freak is trying to get Ben because he must merge with him to survive and he wants the Omnitrix (surprise, surprise).

This is Ghost Freak at full power!

The good-guy Ghost Freak is very useful. He can have any power since he can merge with anyone. He could sprout tentacles for short periods. He looked a lot like how we picture ghosts except he only had one pink eye. One bad thing about Ghost Freak is that he could only merge with people for short amounts of time.

This picture is of the Ghost Freak from the Omnitrix.


Willowah said...

Max the plumber really used to be a Willowah until he went to Dogtown School and went home and made chow-chow out of minny wood bark that fell off the ground and upon the minny wood tree down below the Noonside Whittle.

The Worm said...

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The Worm said...


The Worm said...


The Worm said...


The Worm said...


The Worm said...


The Worm said...


The Worm said...


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