At one time, I knew nothing about Wildmutt. I learned about Wildmutt from Ben 10 websites. This is what I learned ...
His abilities are:
1. Good jumper,
2. Very fast, and
3. Great senses except sight (See card to right ... he has no eyes). He has a great sense of smell because he has quills that pick up scents.
He can propel himself with two ape-like arms. He can also fire the quills on his back, they make very good weapons!
Wildmutt belongs to the vulpimancer species. He lives on the planet Vulpin.

Ben's grandpa, Max, is a plumber, but not just any kind of plumber. Instead of fixing toilets and drains, this plumber spends all day fighting bad aliens. The plumbers like him have many gadgets. One of the most famous gadgets is the null-void projector. The null-void projector opens a portal to a secret dimension. The two vulpimancers above with the cragged teeth are from the null-void. The one closest to you is Wildmutt.
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