Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bios of the Mutant Ray

If you read my post about the mutant ray you would know that the face of the Omnitrix fell off once. Before Doctor Animo finds the face, there are some mutants the face makes by itself. Here are the mutants the face and Doctor Animo create:

Lepidopworms and fishermen -

The freaky worms are lepidopworms. The face of the Omnitrix mutated them into lepidopworms. When one of the fishermen looked into the bucket of worms, he found these worms. Lepidopworms are a lot like regular worms as far as their behavior. But, they can protect themselves better. They have sharp tails and five eyes that can spray goos and gasses.

Lepidopcrab and Dr. Animo -

The green man in this picture is Dr. Animo and the crab is a lepidopcrab. He too was mutated by the face of the Omnitrix. (This picture is of Dr. Animo finding the power of the face of the Omnitrix.) The lepidopcrab is like the lepidopworms except he only has four eyes, he's a crab, and he has wings.

Pyronitebat -

This is the only mutant that Dr. Animo creates in this episode. The pyronite bat appears when Gwen and Ben are in a boat. After Ben turns into Heatjaws and fights the frog, he fights the pryronite bat. Heatjaws defeats the bat.

The pyronite bat is different than a regular bat because it looks similar to Heatblast, he can fly several different ways (with his wings and all the ways that Heatblast can fly), and he can shoot fire from his mouth, wings, and feet.

Maxlarvae -

When Dr. Animo tries to mutate Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max, Max pushes his grandchildren out of the way. The mutant ray mutates Max into a Maxlarvae. For some reason, he does not have wings but, other than that, he is a lot like Stinkfly. He has Stinkfly eyes, he has six legs, and he spits out of his eyes and his mouth although he does not do this in the episode. (Grandpa Max is knocked out from the Mutant Ray.) When Ben is Heatjaws, he steals parts of Doctor Animo's mutant ray and Gwen turns the faceplate around in the mutant ray. Then, they turn Maxlarvae back into Grandpa Max.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mutant Rays Call for Mutant Aliens

Remember Doctor Animo from "Ben 10,000?" Doctor Animo is a mad genius. In this episode, Ben10 messes with the Omnitrix. The face of it falls off. Later, Doctor Animo finds it. Doctor Animo creates a mutant bat. The loss of the face caused Ben 10 to turn into weird mixes of aliens from the Omnitrix. Here are the aliens Ben 10 turns into:

Stinkarms -

Before Doctor Animo finds the face, he and his mutant frog attack Ben. Ben turns into Stinkarms. At first Ben likes it. But he soon finds he is not as strong as Fourarms, nor can he fly as well as Stinkfly.

Diamondmatter -

When one of Dr. Animo's minions attacks Ben, Grandpa Max, and Gwen while they were in a boat, Ben turns into Diamondmatter. As he fights with one of Dr. Animo's minions, he sees some rocks in the river below. He drops down to a tree. As I recall, then he falls into the river and is eaten by a crocodile. Then, the croc spits him out. He gets on the boat, leans out over the water, and cuts through the rocks in the water. Then, he times out.


After Ben times out in the boat, they soon come to a building. Dr. Animo is inside the building. They go inside the building and Ben turns into Heatjaws. He fights Dr. Animo's minions. After he battles the minions, Gwen calls the police.

My thoughts on these mixes:

When you put two aliens together they are usually very powerful. However, this is a cartoon. So, when you think about it, the writers probably wanted it to be hard for Ben and more exciting for us to watch. For example, Heatjaws is a bad combination because when Heatblast is around water he either just lets off a little steam or dies but Ripjaws needs water to breathe. A better combination would be XLRblast or Wildbolt. XLRblast would be good because XLR8 can handle the heat and Heatblast could be better with a little speed. Wildbolt would also be good because Wildvine needs some extra protection and Cannonbolt could use a little non-destruction powers.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Future Versions of Present Aliens, Part II

Ben 10,000 turned into the future Diamond Head in the episode, "Ben 10,000." He did this because Diamond Head can turn his hands into pointy, diamond knives. He had a sword fight with Dr. Animo with his hands. Then, Dr. Animo picked Diamond Head up and almost threw him off the zero gravity parking lot where they were fighting. Luckily, Ben 10,000 turned into the future Wildmutt before he went off the edge.

In the image above, everyone is paying attention to Ben 10. They think he is Ben 10,000. Before Ben 10,000 turns into XLR8, he is turns into the future Upgrade. In the episode, they give you no clue what he was doing.

Of course, Stinkfly flies. In this episode, he flies up and sprays Dr. Animo with his green globs of spit. It does not show what happened to Dr. Animo but I bet he didn't like it!

Ben 10,000 turned into Heatblast and tried to fry Vilgax and Dr. Animo. Then, he turned into another alien.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Future Versions of Present Aliens

Remember: in the "Ben 10,000" episode Ben and Gwen went to the future. They met the future versions of the aliens Ben 10 can turn into. Sometimes the future aliens look different from the present aliens, but they have the same powers.

This is the future Four Arms. In the "Ben 10,000" episode, Ben 10 turns into Stink Fly and then Four Arms tied a metal pole around Stink Fly's tail so he couldn't move. Then, Ben 10,000 fought Dr. Animo alone.

The Future Cannonbolt fought Dr. Animo and Vilgax at a zero-gravity parking lot. Then, he rolled up into a ball, rolled off the parking lot, and landed on another zero-gravity parking lot below.

Throughout the episode, Ben 10,000 constantly turns into XLR8. But, in this scene, he has just battled one of Dr. Animo's minions, a robotic rhinoceros. When grown-up Gwen took Ben and Gwen through the portal, one of the first things they saw was a robotic rhinoceros. It attacked and, just when Ben 10 timed out from being present XLR8, future XLR8 created a tornado around the rhinoceros and it was destroyed.

Like you might have read about in my post about the present Wildmutt, he has no eyes but he has a great sense of smell. He is also a very good climber. Once Dr. Animo tried to push the future Diamondhead off a zero-gravity parking lot, but instead Ben 10,000 turned into the future Wildmutt. With his sharp claws, he kept himself from falling. Then he ran back and lunged at Dr. Animo.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Ghost Freak: Good Guy and Bad

Ghost Freak once was an alien in the Omnitrix. The Omnitrix is the watch that turns Ben into all the aliens. But, one day, Ghost Freak escaped. He found three circus freaks and they became his minions. The circus freaks were already very evil. At one time, they worked for Bonzonzo. He ran an evil circus.

Ghost Freak did not look like the one in the watch. When he was in full power, he looked even more different. But, both Ghost Freaks had the same weakness and they both could sprout tentacles. Ghost Freak is trying to get Ben because he must merge with him to survive and he wants the Omnitrix (surprise, surprise).

This is Ghost Freak at full power!

The good-guy Ghost Freak is very useful. He can have any power since he can merge with anyone. He could sprout tentacles for short periods. He looked a lot like how we picture ghosts except he only had one pink eye. One bad thing about Ghost Freak is that he could only merge with people for short amounts of time.

This picture is of the Ghost Freak from the Omnitrix.

Ben 10,000

In one episode, grown-up Gwen, Ben's cousin, takes Ben and ten-year-old Gwen to her time. Ben 10,000 and Ben 10 get in a lot of fights. But, they finally get along OK. There are 10,000 aliens that Ben 10,000 can turn into. Here are some that he can turn into, I don't have enough room to show all 10,000!!

Articguana is an alien that can freeze anything. In the episode, "Ben 10,000," he freezes a pool when his archenemy, Vilgax, falls in the pool.

In another episode, Ben fights an army of electronic pranksters called Megawatts. In this episode, Ben 10,000 turns into a Megawatt to help fight another villain, Dr. Animo. Megawatt can fire electricity.

This is Spitter, also known as Loogieman. Spitter spits globs of green goo out of his mouth. For some reason, this is very useful against Dr. Animo. I don't remember much about Spitter. So, that is all I have to say about that!


At one time, I knew nothing about Wildmutt. I learned about Wildmutt from Ben 10 websites. This is what I learned ...

His abilities are:

1. Good jumper,

2. Very fast, and

3. Great senses except sight (See card to right ... he has no eyes). He has a great sense of smell because he has quills that pick up scents.

He can propel himself with two ape-like arms. He can also fire the quills on his back, they make very good weapons!

Wildmutt belongs to the vulpimancer species. He lives on the planet Vulpin.

Ben's grandpa, Max, is a plumber, but not just any kind of plumber. Instead of fixing toilets and drains, this plumber spends all day fighting bad aliens. The plumbers like him have many gadgets. One of the most famous gadgets is the null-void projector. The null-void projector opens a portal to a secret dimension. The two vulpimancers above with the cragged teeth are from the null-void. The one closest to you is Wildmutt.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Welcome to Caleb 8

There are a couple things I want to get straight:

1. This is a blog about Ben10.

2. I am a big fan.

3. This blog is also going to be about things I learn about Ben10 and my thoughts about Ben10 (and maybe a tinsy bit about aliens in general).