Lepidopworms and fishermen -

Lepidopcrab and Dr. Animo -
The green man in this picture is Dr. Animo and the crab is a lepidopcrab. He too was mutated by the face of the Omnitrix. (This picture is of Dr. Animo finding the power of the face of the Omnitrix.) The lepidopcrab is like the lepidopworms except he only has four eyes, he's a crab, and he has wings.

Pyronitebat -
This is the only mutant that Dr. Animo creates in this episode. The pyronite bat appears when Gwen and Ben are in a boat. After Ben turns into Heatjaws and fights the frog, he fights the pryronite bat. Heatjaws defeats the bat.
The pyronite bat is different than a regular bat because it looks similar to Heatblast, he can fly several different ways (with his wings and all the ways that Heatblast can fly), and he can shoot fire from his mouth, wings, and feet.

Maxlarvae -
When Dr. Animo tries to mutate Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max, Max pushes his grandchildren out of the way. The mutant ray mutates Max into a Maxlarvae. For some reason, he does not have wings but, other than that, he is a lot like Stinkfly. He has Stinkfly eyes, he has six legs, and he spits out of his eyes and his mouth although he does not do this in the episode. (Grandpa Max is knocked out from the Mutant Ray.) When Ben is Heatjaws, he steals parts of Doctor Animo's mutant ray and Gwen turns the faceplate around in the mutant ray. Then, they turn Maxlarvae back into Grandpa Max.